Wednesday, June 10, 2009


It's a pretty well-established fact that Chennai's bread scene leaves a lot to be desired. Having done the rounds of the Hot Breads, French bakeries, specialty bread outlets, and even the high-end hotels, it's absolutely apparent that there's a problem somewhere. Perhaps it's ingredients, perhaps it's process, maybe it's just a basic lack of knowledge in what good bread should taste like.

I've griped about this lack for a while to friends and family, and finally have come to the conclusion that annoying people with my constant complaining of crap bread choices is not altogether productive. Mind you, it makes me feel a lot better, and in the ideal "it's all about me" world this would be just peachy. But that's not really what we have, right?

Ok, so what's this blog about? It's about how to get past the issues with Chennai-based bread choices. It's about experiments in the absolute best solution: bake your own bread. It's about conspiring to make, bake and hopefully break breads together.

Bread runs the world. Whether you call it dosai, or naan, or paisano, or baguette, it's at the core of the human condition. Chennai has some pretty damn fine outlets for the Indian breads. So let's get on with the non-Indian breads as well, no?

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